Monday, 15 September 2014

Sharing Is Divine...... !!!!!

Have you ever wondered what if there is no one with you to share your sorrows, your happiness, your cheers, your misery, your toys...etc. etc. No friends, no family not even your one just you and only you. Sounds terrifying, isn't it...?? And trust me it is terrifying and horrific. But the problem with us is that we being the supreme creature i.e. being a human, don't value the people around us. Take everyone for granted and when we lose those people, we are left with nothing and then we realize the void we feel one we are without them. We are lucky enough that we have our family, friends and everyone with us, but there are few unfortunate, although i hate to use this word "unfortunate" it just wrenches my heart, who have no one with them. No family nor Friends, just them and their abandonment. Just think about those little angels who are left behind in dustbins or trash bins. Especially a girl child is more prone to this kind of inhuman nature. How can someone be this sadistic to let their own child cry and abandon them at that crucial time when they need the nurturing and caring. Such children learn to grow in this hard times and as they grow, they get acquainted with this reality and make themselves stoic and create a protective shield so that hence forth no one can harm and harm them. As it is said no one is born's just the circumstances which make them to chose this evil path.

What I want to convey is why can't we share their sorrows with us and revert them with sharing bliss and cheers. Why can't we minus their sorrows and add up their happiness and make them smile. Whatever we have we can share a tad or whatever we can and give them a genuine reason to smile. I'll share an incident with you which made me realize that Sharing is Divine....!!!
Once I was in my native for a short trip. Me and my cousins decided to take a walk in our local market. While doing that we felt famished so we grabbed some packs of biscuits and started hovering on them. We sat on the benches which were lined in the tea stall. Suddenly a girl grabbed my attention who was standing just opposite of few, at a few distance. She might be of some seven to eight years of old and was constantly looking at me while i was having my share of biscuits. Initially I ignored as we all do it but then I couldn't ignore her angelic face and ushered her to come to me. Of course when I called her, she firstly looked away from me but then she was confused and bewildered that whether she should trust me or not. The sheer innocence in these children make them to take time to trust someone, but once they do...they do it blindly and with purity.

Even she took her own time and after few minutes she came near me. I smiled and asked her name. She politely replied that her name is Pooja and gave me an angelic smile. With that I offered her biscuits and winked at her. Initially she restrained to take them but then she took few of them and reverted me with a broad smile, bigger this time. She just ran away and again stood back at the same place. After few minutes I understood she was waiting for her little brother who was in the near by barber's shop having his hair cut down. When that lil boy came out, he accompanied his sister and they left. Before they left, Pooja looked back at me and bid me bye with a beautiful smile. She shared those few biscuits with her brother and both seemed happy as if they have got some huge bunch of stars in their hands. I know this incident doesn't imply any great change or it seems really trivial but unless and until you yourself come across such phase you won't be able to fathom, what great difference this can make to you.

Since that day, whenever Pooja meets me in the market or any other place she greets me with the same beautiful smile and makes my day. I wonder what have I done that the girl gifts me that smile whenever she meets me...? Just gave her few biscuits, it should not even bother her a tad and look the irony is she treats me as if I have gifted her something really huge and divine. But then I got my answer, the divine feeling is the Joy Of Giving. I'm not telling you to pour down all your wealth and money on these kids or children, there is something more precious than your money and that is your Time. Try to share a tad part of your time with these little angels or any one who is close to you, trust me it will give them more happiness than what your money or expensive gifts can. Try to visit an orphanage and you will know how this kids learn to accept the reality and how they somehow find their happiness in very minute things of life. A little time spent with them and they won't ask you for anything. They just need the assurance that "Koi Apna Hai..."  i.e. someone dear is always near them.

Sharing doesn't implies that you only have to share your money or provide charity with wholesome of at all...It's a misconception among us. Share your Love, show care and affection, spare some time from your busty schedule for your dear ones as well as for others...from others I mean the little angels I been talking about or any one who need someone beside them and see what magic and change prevails within you. The blessings and cheers you feel while sharing is beyond any other materialistic pleasure. When you'll be on your death bed, the only thing which will be with you is those cheers which you have spread and those glittering smiles you have brought on hundreds of faces. It will make your soul leave your body peacefully and reside in tranquility. People will not remember you with how many luxurious cars you have driven or how many smartphones you had or how much property you have built in but only with the Divine thing of sharing and spreading bliss and bestowing others with love and care. The change will be small, but very effective in your and others life. You won't understand the essence of sharing unless you do it yourself, it is sheer bliss. 
So "Do It And Fell It...'


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